Conference Programme

This page provides an overview of the Conference. For full details the provisional programme brochure can be downloaded.

The advance conference programme is available to download here.

Overview of the week

Conference Overview

Tutorial Programme

The conference schedule includes two full days of tutorials running as three parallel tracks on Monday and Friday.

The programme this year features six half day tutorials on Monday and three full day tutorials on Friday.

All of the tutorials are delivered by recognized domain experts, addressing a range of individual topics within the general scope of the conference.

Morning tutorials sessions will start at 0930 and end at 1300. Afternoon sessions will start at 1430 and end at 1800. Coffee breaks will be from 1100 to 1130 and 1600 to 1630.

Half Day Tutorials - Monday 20th June

Speaker & Title
S. Tucker Taft
Experimenting with ParaSail - Parallel Specification and Implementation Language
Jean-Pierre Rosen
Designing and Checking Coding Standards for Ada
Maciej Sobczak
Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4
Ian Broster
Why and How to Measure Non-functional Properties On-target
Pat Rogers
Hard Real-Time and Embedded Systems Programming with Ada
Jean-Pierre Rosen
Use of Object-Oriented Technologies in High-Reliability Systems

Full Day Tutorials - Friday 24th June

Speaker & Title
Full Day
Michael G. Harbour
MAST: Predicting Response Times in Event-Driven Real-Time Systems
Full Day
Roderick Chapman
SPARK: The Libre Language and Toolset for High-Assurance Software
Full Day
Thomas Quinot
Distributed Programming Techniques in Ada



Industrial Presentations

The conference schedule includes three sessions of tutorials running as parallel tracks on Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday 22nd June

Modelling and Complexity - 1130 to 1300

Sam Moody

Executable UML Models for High Integrity Development

Jean-Charles Dalbin

Software/Automatic Code Generation and Tool Qualification Expert

Frank Dordowsky

Implementing a Software Product Line for a Complex Avionics System in Ada83


Real-time and Longevity - 1430 to 1600

James Moore

Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities in Programming Languages

Josef Cvirik

Real-Time Management and Production Systems for Manufacturing and Energy Facilities

Frederic Pinot

Ada experience: ANSALDO Railways 'Available Safety Computer' CSD


Transitioning and Debugging - 1630 to 1800

Wiljan Derks

Debugging Mechatronic Applications written in Ada

Alex Deas

The transition from MISRC C to SPARK Ada in Active Life Support

Dewi Daniels

An Overview of DO-178C


Thursday 23rd June

Innovation and New Markets - 1430 to 1600

Phil Thornley

The Implementation of High Integrity Dad Structures
Andrew Coombes

Building Software Tools in Ada: the Rapita Experience

Jacob Sparre
"Crimeville" - using Ada inside an On-line Multi-user Game

Panel Sessions

Tuesday 1630 to 1800 - Programming Languages Meet Multicore

Moderator: Erhard Plödereder (University of Stuttgart)

Panellists: Alan Burns (University of York), Tucker Taft (Sofcheck, Inc), Kevin Hammond (University of St Andrews)

The advent of multicore is shaking the very foundations of programming languages for concurrency, resource sharing, synchronisation, etc. The panel will discuss topics that need to be addressed by language designers as they strive to support the move towards multicore applications and much higher degrees of concurrency in the execution of programmes.

Thursday 1130 to 1300 - DO178C and Object-Orientation for Critical Systems

Moderator: Ibrahim Habli (University of York)

Panellists: Cyrille Comar (AdaCore), Jean-Pierre Rosen (Adalog), Dewi Daniels (Verocel), Trevor Jennings (Altran Praxis)

The high-integrity systems industry faces the challenge of reaping the benefit of object-orientation in their rigid and demanding development process. Domain experts will debate pros and cons, risks and opportunities, and ways to introduce elements of object-orientation into safety-critical system development.