Call for Contributions
Call for contributions available in PDF. Please distribute!
General Information
The 26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022), will take place in Ghent, Belgium in dual mode, with a solid core of inpresence activities accompanied by digital support for remote participation. The conference schedule comprises a journal track, an industrial track, a work-in-progress (WiP) track, a vendor exhibition, parallel tutorials, and satellite workshops.
- Journal-track submissions present research advances supported by solid theoretical foundation and thorough evaluation.
- WiP-track submissions illustrate a novel research idea that is still at an initial stage, between conception and first prototype.
- Industrial-track submissions highlight the practitioners' side of a challenging case study or industrial project.
- Tutorial submissions guide attenders through a hands-on familiarization with innovative developments or with useful features related to critical software.
Call for Journal‐track Submissions
Following the journal‐first model inaugurated in 2019, the conference includes a journal‐track that seeks original and high‐quality submissions that describe mature research work in the scope of the conference. Accepted papers for this track will be published in the "Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC2022)" Special Issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA).

Submissions should be made online at Editorial Manager by selecting the “VSI:AEiC2022” option for the paper type. Details on the special issue can be found on this page. General information for submitting to the JSA can be found at the Journal of Systems Architecture website.
In order to speed up publication, the JSA has adopted the Virtual Special Issue model, whereby acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis. On that account, authors are encouraged to submit as early as they can, no later than 16 January 2022. Authors who have successfully passed the first round of review will be invited to present their work at the conference. Ada‐Europe, the main conference sponsor, will cover the Open Access fees for the first four papers to gain final acceptance, which do not already enjoy OA from personalized bilateral agreements with the Publisher.
Prospective authors may direct all enquiries regarding this track to the corresponding chair, Jérôme Hugues.
Call for Industrial‐track Submissions
The conference seeks industrial practitioner presentations that deliver insight on the challenges of developing reliable software. Given their applied nature, such contributions will be subject to a dedicated practitioner‐peer review process.

Interested authors shall submit a short (one‐to‐two pages) abstract, by 27 February 2022, via Easy Chair, strictly in PDF, following the Ada User Journal style.
The abstract of the accepted contributions will be included in the conference booklet. The corresponding authors will get a presentation slot in the prime‐time technical program of the conference, and will also be invited to expand their contributions into full‐fledged articles for publication in the Ada User Journal, which will form the proceedings of the Industrial track of the Conference.
The Industrial Track welcomes contributions that fit the general scope of the conference, and actively address the perspective of practitioners on the topic of interest. Especially welcome are submissions of the following kind:
- Experience with languages, tools, methodologies, and products for the achievement of safety and reliability in large or complex projects and systems.
- Lessons learned in the design, implementation and deployment of reliable software, high-integrity systems, real-time and embedded systems, etc.
- Insights into language tools and libraries that incorporate or target reliability in software.
- Reports and highlights from ongoing or completed challenging projects where software is a critical component of the system.
- Practical hands-on sharing of knowledge gained in the practice of building reliable software.
- Reliable Software Technologies
Prospective authors may direct all enquiries regarding this track to the corresponding chair Alejandro R. Mosteo.
Call for Work‐in‐Progress‐track Submissions
The Work‐in‐Progress track seeks two kinds of submissions: (a) ongoing research, and (b) early‐stage ideas. Ongoing research submissions are 4‐page papers that describe research results that are not mature enough to be submitted to the journal track as yet. Early‐stage ideas, are 1‐page papers that pitch new research directions that fall in the scope of the conference.
Topics addressed by the WIP track are close by the journal track:
- Real-Time and Safety-Critical Systems
- High-Integrity Systems and Reliability
- Reliability-oriented Programming Languages
- Experience Reports
The WIP track is expected to address emerging areas where reliability is a first class requirement. WIP submissions may cover new application domains, new technologies, and new methods related to reliable software, such as autonomous systems, IoT, Industries 4.0, IA for critical systems, Cloud/Edge, security, energy management, etc.
Both kinds of submission must be original and shall undergo anonymous peer review. Submissions by recent MSc graduates and PhD students are especially sought.

Authors shall submit their work by 27 February 2022, via Easy Chair, strictly in PDF, following the Ada User Journal style.
The abstract of the accepted contributions will be included in the conference booklet. The corresponding authors will get a presentation slot in the prime‐time technical program of the conference, and will also be offered the opportunity to expand their contributions into 4‐page articles for publication in the Ada User Journal, which will form the proceedings of the WiP track of the Conference.
Prospective authors may direct all enquiries regarding this track to the corresponding chair Frank Singhoff.
Academic Listing
The Journal of Systems Architecture, publication venue of the journal‐track proceedings of the conference, was ranked Q1 (SJR) in the year 2020, also featuring 72th percentile in CiteScope (Scopus). The Ada User Journal, venue of all other technical proceedings of the conference, is indexed by Scopus and by EBSCOhost in the Academic Search Ultimate database.
Ada‐Europe will offer an honorary award for the best technical presentation, to be announced in the closing session of the conference.
Call for Tutorials
The conference seeks tutorials in the form of educational seminars on themes falling within the scope of the conference, with hands‐on or practical elements, and a topical slant oriented to selected targets in the typical conference audience.
The conference audience includes professionals who work in critical systems or develop features for them, students in computer science or engineering education, academic researchers in the field of conference interest, or people who merely approach software development as a hobby.
If you have developed or learned of libraries, tools, compilers, methodologies or programming languages related with critical systems that may ease the software development job of others, you would be a natural candidate for offering a tutorial.

Tutorial proposals include:
- A title
- A short abstract (between 100 and 200 words)
- A bulleted-list outline of the presentation topics
- The proposed duration (half day or full day)
- The intended target and level of the contents (introductory, intermediate, or advanced)
- A statement motivating attendance.
Tutorials should be delivered in presence unless exceptional circumstances should dictate otherwise. Tutorial proposals should indicate whether additional audience might be remote.
Submissions shall be sent by e‐mail to the Tutorial and Workshop Chair, Aurora Agar Armario, with subject line: "[AEiC 2022: tutorial proposal]".
The authors of accepted full‐day tutorials will receive a complimentary conference registration, halved for half‐day tutorials. The Ada User Journal will offer space for the publication of summaries of the accepted tutorials.
Call for Workshops
The conference welcomes satellite workshops centred on themes that fall within the conference scope. Proposals may be submitted for half‐ or full‐day events, to be scheduled at either end of the conference proper.

Workshop proposals shall be submitted by e‐mail to the Tutorial and Workshop Chair, Aurora Agar Armario, with subject line: "[AEiC 2022: workshop proposal]
Workshop organizers shall also commit to producing the proceedings of the event, for publication in the Ada User Journal.
Call for Exhibitors
The conference will include a vendor and technology exhibition. Interested providers should direct inquiries to the Exhibition & Sponsorship Chair, Ahlan Marriott.