
24th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies

11-14 June 2019, Warsaw, Poland


Final Program

You may download the "Ada-Europe 2019 Final Program" in PDF (1.8MB), as well as the "Ada-Europe 2019 Conference Booklet" in PDF (1.2MB) which contains the abstracts of all presentations in the core program.

The Conference at a Glance

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Opening / Welcome      
Tutorials Keynote talk
OpenMP API: A Story about Threads, Tasks, and Devices
Michael Klemm, OpenMP, Germany
Keynote talk
A 2020 View of Ada
Tucker Taft, AdaCore, USA
Workshop WG 9 meeting
Presentation Session
Assurance Issues in Critical Systems
Presentation Session
Uses of Ada in Challenging Environments
ARG meeting
Presentation Session
Tooling Aid for Verification
Presentation Session
Verification Challenges
Exhibition Opening
& Ada-Europe GA
& Welcome Aperitif
Presentation Session
Best Practices for Critical Applications
Presentation Session
Real-Time Systems


Conference Core Schedule

Follow the "Download" links for presentation materials.

  Wednesday, 12 June Thursday, 13 June
08:50 - 09:00 Welcome and opening  
09:00 - 10:00 Keynote Talk:
OpenMP API: A Story about Threads, Tasks, and Devices
Michael Klemm, OpenMP, Germany
Keynote Talk:
A 2020 view of Ada
Tucker Taft, AdaCore, USA
10:00 - 11:00 Coffee & Exhibition Coffee & Exhibition
  Presentation Session
Assurance issues in critical systems
Presentation Session
Uses of Ada in challenging environments
11:00 - 11:30 Contract-based design and verification using SPARK 2014
S. Buist, S. Matthews and T. Wilson
Enabling Ada and OpenMP runtimes interoperability through template-based execution
S. Royuela, E. Quiñones, L.M. Pinho
11:30 - 12:00 Justifying the Service to Low-Criticality Tasks in a Mixed-Criticality System
S. Law and I. Bate
Shared-memory multicore synchronization: programmability, scalability and performance
B. Burgstaller, J. Blieberger
12:00 - 12:20 Vendor presentation

Period adaptation of real-time control tasks with fixed priority scheduling
X. Dai and A. Burns
12:20 - 12:40
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch & Exhibition Lunch & Exhibition
  Presentation Session
Tooling aid for verification
Presentation Session
Verification challenges
14:00 - 14:30 Integrating an event-based simulation tool into the art2kitekt framework
J. Valls, M. García and S. Sáez
Fast, flexible DO-178C tool qualification using a modular approach
D. Wright, I. Broster, Z. Stephenson, D. Allsopp and S. Fourmigue
14:30 - 15:00 Automated display testing in TestPASS
T. Stanislawski
ECTM : a new communication model for network-on-chip schedulability analysis
M. Dridi, F. Singhoff, S. Rubini and J.P. Diguet
15:00 - 15:30 Vendor presentations

Vector Software
A “new” C static analyser the compiler
M. Martignano
15:30 - 16:00 Verification of Ada Programs with AdaHorn
T.A. Beyene, C. Herrera, V. Nigam
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee & Exhibition Coffee & Exhibition
  Presentation Session
Best practices for critical applications
Presentation Session
Real-time systems
16:30 - 17:00 Co-engineering of security and safety lifecycles for engineering security-informed safety-critical automotive systems in compliance with SAE J3061 and ISO 26262
B. Gallina, M.A. Javed, H. Martin and R. Bramberger
RCLAda, or bringing Ada to the Robotic Operating System
A.R. Mosteo
17:00 - 17:30 Verification & Validation of launcher flight software
D. Lesens
On Ada protected objects and multiprocessor spin-locking protocols
J. Garrido, J. Zamorano, A. Alonso, J.A. de la Puente
17:30 - 18:00 Guiding assurance of architectural design patterns for critical applications
I. Sljivo, G.J. Uriagereka, S. Puri and B. Gallina
A Hierarchical Architecture for Time- and Event-Triggered Real-Time Systems
J. Real, S. Sáez., A. Crespo
18:00 - 18:30 The speaker’s corner
Experience from 40 years of teaching AdaJ.P. Rosen
Best Presentation award
Future events - Download
19:15 Buses to conference banquet