AUJ: Guide for Authors

Types of Submission

Original papers

Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the submission guidelines (below). All original technical contributions are submitted to refereeing by at least two people. Names of referees will be kept confidential, but their comments will be relayed to the authors at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Proofs will normally be sent to the first named author to check typographic mistakes or errors of fact. No part of the article may be rewritten on proof. All changes and addenda submitted by the authors will be incorporated at the discretion of the Editor. Corrected proofs must be returned within one week for inclusion in a specific issue.

The first named author will receive a complimentary copy of the issue of the journal in which the paper appears.

By submitting a manuscript, authors grant Ada-Europe an unlimited licence to publish (and, if appropriate republish) it, if and when the article is accepted for publication. Ada-Europe does not require that authors assign copyright to the Journal.

Unless the authors state explicitly otherwise, submission of an article is taken to imply that it represents original, unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Proceedings or Special Issues

The Ada User Journal is open to consider the publication of proceedings of workshops or panels related to the Journal's aims and scope, as well as Special Issues on particular topics.

Interested proponents are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Reprinted articles

While original material is our first priority, we are willing to reprint (with the permission of the copyright holder) material previously submitted elsewhere if it is appropriate to give it a wider audience. This includes papers published in North America that are not easily available in Europe. We have a reciprocal approach in granting permission for other publications to reprint papers originally published in Ada User Journal.

News and product announcements

Ada User Journal is one of the ways in which people find out what is going on in the Ada community. Our readers need not surf the web or news groups to find out what is going on in the Ada world and in the neighbouring and/or competing communities. We will reprint or report on items that may be of interest to them.


We publish commentaries on Ada, software engineering, critical systems, and related topics. These may represent the views either of individuals or of organisations. Such articles can be of any length - inclusion will be at the Editor's discretion. Opinions expressed within the pages of Ada User Journal do not necessarily represent the views of the Journal Editorial Board and of the Ada-Europe Board.

Announcements and conference reports

We are happy to publicise and report on events that may be of interest to our readers.

Information on Standards

We aim to inform our readers of information concerning the process of Standardization of Ada and other standards which are related..


Inclusion of any review in the Journal is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. One member of our Review Panel will be asked by the Editor to review any book or other publication sent to us. We are also prepared to print reviews submitted from elsewhere if judged appropriate.

Any individual interested in joining the Review Panel is invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Submission guidelines

Papers for consideration should be sent, as a PDF, by email to the Editor-in-Chief, following the template below. The language of the journal is English.

Our refereeing process aims to be rapid. Currently, accepted papers submitted electronically are typically published 3-6 months after submission. Items of topical interest will normally appear in the next edition. There is no limitation on the length of papers, though a paper longer than 10,000 words would be regarded as exceptional. Pages should be numbered consecutively.

The name(s) of the author(s) and their postal and email address (where available) should be provided in the heading of the paper. The address of one author will normally be sufficient. We will endeavour to print (black and white) digitised photographs (passport style) of the authors where these are provided.

Submission templates

Templates are available for preparing papers in the Ada User Journal format, both for Microsoft Word, LaTeX and LibreOffice:

In case of doubts or difficulties in using these templates please contact the Editor-in-Chief.