Tutorial T6: Introduction to the development of safety critical software

Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog

This tutorial presents the fundamental notions that make the development of safety critical software different from the development of more casual software. It presents the context, the applicable standards, and the techniques used for achieving high reliability. It explains why Ada and Spark are especially suited for writing safety critical software. Although required for demanding applications, the general principles tha tailed can be applied to, and help improve, all kinds of software development.

Duration: half-day

Level: Intermediate

Expected audience experience: Casual knowledge of Ada

Reason for attending

  • Understand the stakes of the development of safety critical software
  • Learn the various rules governing the development of safe software, and understand their motivation
  • Consider the tools that are available to improve quality and safety of software
  • Apply some principles to more casual software for higher reliability


JP Rosen is a professional teacher, teaching Ada (since 1979, it was preliminary Ada!), methods, and software engineering. He runs Adalog, a company specialized in providing training, consultancy, and services in all areas connected to the Ada language and software engineering. He is chairman of Ada-France.

Adalog offers regularly on-site and off-site training sessions in Ada. Adalog is regularly performing reviews and safety assessments for safety critical software, especially in the domain of railway system.