Tutorial T7: METASAT: Programming High Performance RISC-V Technologies for Space


  • Leonidas Kosmidis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
  • Alejandro Calderon, Ikerlan
  • Aridane Alvarez Suarez, fentISS
  • Lorenzo Lazzara, Collins Aerospace
  • Eckart Göhler, OHB

METASAT is a Horizon Europe project which develops a holistic and modular model- based framework to design and test software modules that target open architecture hardware, high-performance computing platforms for the space and aviation domain. It particularly focuses on open standards and open source technologies such as the RISC-V open ISA, open parallel programming standards like OpenMP, OpenCL and OpenGL SC and AADL. In terms of hardware, METASAT is currently developing a RISC-V based multicore platform using the Frontgrade Gaisler’s NOEL-V processor, integrated with the SPARROW short vector AI accelerator and the RISC-V Vortex GPU. On the model-based design toolchain, it relies on ESA’s TASTE open source toolchain, which is extended with capabilities targeting the complexity of high performance platforms for space. Almost all project developments will be available as open source at the end of the project (December 2024). This tutorial aims to provide an introduction and a hands on approach of the project developments

Duration: Half day

Level: Introductory

Background: No prior knowledge is required

Presentation Topics

  • Introducing the METASAT Project and its Hardware and Software platform (BSC) (30 min)
  • Technology deep dive: XtratuM support in METASAT part 1 (FEN) (45 min)
  • Using the SPARROW AI Accelerator (BSC) (45 min)
  • Model based Development Cycle in the Space Sector (IKL) (45 min)
  • Standard-based Collaborative Model-Based Engineering (Collins Aerospace) (30min)