
On this page, you will find detailed information about pricing and registration for the Ada Europe conference, tutorials and workshops.
Tutorial and workshop registration is possible without conference registration.

For registration, please access the Registration website

Early registration cut-off date is 27 May 2024 (updated).


  • Reduced fees for authors (one per accepted journal-track paper/industrial presentation/work-in-progress presentation).
  • Low tutorial and workshop fees for all participants.
  • Strong discount on all fees for students.
  • Minimal fee for AI hackathon and Ada developers workshop.


Non Author Author Student
Member Non member
Early registration 460 € 520 € 390 € 80 €
Late registration 520 € 580 € -* 120

*Authors must register during the early registration period.

Members discount: Reserved to members of Ada-Europe, Ada-Europe sponsors, and members of ACM.

Author discount: A single special discount is available for each accepted journal-track paper/industrial presentation/work-in-progress presentation in the conference program.

Student discount: Full-time students of recognised academic institutions. Confirmation of students status will be requested after registration.

Lunch is included for every day of the conference that you attend. The banquet and welcome reception are included in the full conference registration. Additional tickets for guests can be purchased separately.


Tutorial Registration (each) Regular Student
Early registration 70 € 15 €
Late registration 100 € 30 €


The hackaton is sponsored by the RisingSTARS project, registration is a reduced fee:

Optimizing AI-driven workflows
Registration 10 €


DeCPS/Safe AI Regular Student
Early registration 70 € 25 €
Late registration 100 € 40 €

ADEPT Regular Student
Early registration 70 € 25 €
Late registration 100 € 40 €
Remote participation 0 € 0 €

The Ada Developers workshop is sponsored by AdaCore, with a reduced fee:

Ada Developers
Early registration 10 €
Late registration 20 €
Remote participation 0 €

Optional and extra tickets

Extra banquet 80 €
Extra welcome event 25 €
Extra lunch 25 €

Note that conference registration includes Lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, welcome event, and banquet. Lunch on Tuesday is included if registering for morning and afternoon tutorials. Lunch on Friday is included for Workshops.

An optional post-confernece chill-out is prepared for Thursday evening (see Social Events page), with a reduced fee. Cellar visit and dinner can be purchased separately.

Cellar visit 15 €
Dinner 25 €