26th Ada-Europe

International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies
(AEiC 2022)

14-17 June 2022, Ghent, Belgium

Sponsorship and Exhibition

The conference itself presents a unique event to promote Ada-related products and has also become a leading international gathering of users and developers of reliable software technologies.

With previous conferences attracting 100 to 150 participants, there will be representatives from the industrial Ada community attending providing an excellent opportunity to liaise and discuss your products and offers.

Conference sponsors enjoy a whole range of benefits, including exhibition space and vendor sessions as part of the conference program.

Sponsorhip with exhibition benefits

    Ada-Europe sponsors receive the following benefits

    • Logo on Ada-Europe web site with link.

    • Listed as sponsor with logo on the back inside cover of the quarterly.

    • Ada User Journal sent to all members of Ada-Europe and subscribing libraries.

    • Logo displayed at the Ada-Europe booth at the Ada-Europe conference.

    • May supply material to be included in the conference delegate bag or placed at the Ada-Europe conference booth.

    Ada-Europe sponsors may optionally obtain the following benefits Full page advert in the Ada User Journal (AUJ) sent to all members of Ada-Europe and subscribing libraries.

    Conference sponsors receive the following benefits

    • Listed as sponsor with logo in the conference Advance Program, printed and posted to over 1600 people known to have a recent interest in either Ada or Reliable Systems.

    • Listed as sponsor with logo in the conference Final Program.

    • Logo on conference web site with link.

    • Reduced conference registration fees (incl. social program, lunches, gala dinner).

    Conference sponsors may optionally obtain the following benefits

    • Exhibition space

    • Opportunity to give 20 min vendor presentation as part of the conference program

    • Advert within the Advance Program, printed and posted to over 1600 people known to have a recent interest in either Ada or Reliable Systems

    Note that most packages can be modified to suit specific needs. Please contact us for further details.