Invited Speakers
Spotlight Talk: Envisioning the Future of Software Engineering
Anita Carleton
Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
Wednesday, June 15th, afternoon, remotely
As computing and software technologies advance, critical dependence on software also increases. However, software can be difficult to understand. It’s extremely flexible, endlessly varied, never completely done, and it controls diverse and intertwined functions. While much of the focus in the software engineering and research communities revolves around specific innovations, there’s also value in looking further ahead with a broad view. Recently, CMU SEI conducted a large, community-driven initiative to look at the wider discipline of software engineering and envision the future we can create, and what we need to do to prepare for that future. Carleton will share results of the study, including future challenges in engineering software-reliant systems and a research roadmap driving advances in foundational software engineering principles across system types, including intelligent, autonomous, safety-critical, and data-intensive systems. The aim is to aid the development of a global ecosystem for software engineering that engages academic, government, and commercial communities to work together on solving future problems and developing critical abilities.
Short Bio
Anita Carleton is the Division Director
of the Software Solutions Division
(SSD) at the Software Engineering
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
with more than 30 years of technical
and senior leadership experience in
the software engineering industry. She leads the software
engineering research, development, and transition
strategy for the SEI. Carleton received her bachelor’s
degree in Applied Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon
University and her MBA from the MIT Sloan School of
Management, where she was the recipient of the MIT
Sloan Leadership Fellowship. Carleton is an IEEE Fellow
and serves on the IEEE Software Advisory Board.
Keynote Talk: The Curious Case of Code Duplication in GitHub
Cristina (Crista) Lopes
School of computer sciences, University of California at Irvine (CA)
Thursday, June 16th, morning
Previous studies have shown that there is a non-trivial amount of duplication in source code. We analyzed a corpus of 2.6 million non-fork projects hosted on GitHub representing over 258 million files written in Java, C++, Python and JavaScript, and found a large amount of duplication, much more than we anticipated. This finding made us be much more careful when using open source repositories for drawing statistical conclusions, especially now – in the age of machine learning. In this talk, I will present our GitHub study, and will briefly talk about where languages like Ada stand in the new world of source code models.
Short Bio
Cristina (Crista) Lopes is a Professor in the School of Computer Sciences at University of
California, Irvine, with research interests in Programming Languages, Software Engineering,
and Distributed Virtual Environments. She is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Scientist,
a twice-elected member of the SIGPLAN Executive Committee, and Editor in Chief of
The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming. She is the recipient of the 2016 Pizzigati Prize
for Software in the Public Interest for her work in the OpenSimulator virtual world platform.
She's also co-founder of Midspace, a virtual conference platform.