10th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies
Ada-Europe 2005
York, 20-24 June 2005
Keynote speaker slides available.
Registration is closed
Conference prices are here. Discount available for early registration (by 23rd May 2005).
Please book your accommodation in good time. Hotels in York can get very busy in the summer, please book early. The block booking of the conference hotel is valid only until 24th April 2005.
This year the 10th International Conference on Reliable Software Technology takes place in York during the week of June 20-24. The conference has a number of highlights including:
Springer Verlag will publish the proceedings of the conference,
as a Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3555, also available online.
York is a beautiful and historical (small) city in the north of the UK. It has a first class university with one of the best Computer Science departments in the world. The Department has been involved with the development of programming languages for a number of years (indeed it ran the first series of technical meetings on Ada in the 1970s). It is pleased to host this meeting on reliable software technology.
York can be reached easily by train from London (approximately 2–3 hours), Manchester airport (2 hours), Leeds/Bradford Airport (1 hour). The conference is held at the Royal York Hotel which is adjacent to the York train station a few minutes from the centre of York and the Minster (Cathedral).