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University of York


Real-Time Java for Ada Programmers

Benjamin M. Brosgol, AdaCore
Monday June 20th, full day

Although the term "real-time Java" may sound self-contradictory, serious technical activity has been underway since early 1999 on extending the Java platform to satisfy the requirements for real-time systems, and several implementations exist. This work is relevant to the Ada community as both a challenge and an opportunity. On the one hand, it may compete with Ada in the real-time marketplace, but on the other hand some of its ideas may be worthy of consideration in a future version of the Ada language.

This tutorial will focus on the Real-Time Specification for Java ("RTSJ"), which was developed by the Real-Time for Java Expert Group under the auspices of Sun Microsystems' Java Community Process. The tutorial will analyze/critique the Java platform with respect to real-time support, summarize/illustrate the main elements of the RTSJ, and compare/contrast the design with Ada's real-time features (both in Ada 95 and under consideration for Ada 05). The tutorial will also outline the main aspects of the J-Consortium's "Core Extensions" (a competing real-time Java approach), will describe a proposed high-integrity profile for the RTSJ, and will provide a status update on the real-time Java work and its usage and prospects.


Why should you attend this tutorial?


Dr. Brosgol has over 25 years of experience in the computer software industry, with a focus on programming languages, software development methods, and real-time systems. He was a primary member of the Real-Time for Java Expert Group and a co-author of the Real-Time Specification for Java. He is currently a member of the Technical Interpretations Committee for the RTSJ, and he has also served as a reviewer of the J-Consortium's Core Extensions. He has delivered Java tutorials and courses since 1997, and the proposed tutorial will be an up-to-date version of the "Real-Time Java for Ada Programmers" tutorial that he delivered at Ada Europe 2004 and SIGAda 2004.

Dr Brosgol is an internationally-recognized expert on Ada. He participated in both the initial language design and the Ada 95 revision, and he is a past chairman of the ACM's Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda). He has published numerous papers on Ada, has delivered presentations and tutorials at many Ada Europe and SIGAda conferences, and has been conducting courses on real-time programming in Ada since the late 1980s. He was an invited keynote speaker at the 2003 SIGAda conference, where his topic was "Ada and Real-Time Java: Cooperation, Competition, or Cohabitation?" He is a senior member of AdaCore's technical staff in the US, in the Boston area.

The organizers thank the supporters of the conference

Praxis High Integrity Systems
Silver Software

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