Technical Sessions
Conference on
Reliable Software
7-11, 1999 - Santander, Spain
by Ada-Europe, in cooperation with
and ACM SIGAda
Technical Sessions
Tuesday 8th
Ravenscar Profile (10-11h)
A Formal Model of the
Ada Ravenscar Tasking Profile; Protected Objects
Kristina Lundqvist,
Lars Asplund, and Stephen Michell
An Ada Runtime System
Implementation of the Ravenscar Profile for High Speed Application-Layer
Data Switch
Mike Kamrad, and Barry
Software Architectures
and Design (12-13:30h)
Architectural Frameworks:
Defining the Contents of Architectural Descriptions
David E. Emery
Mapping Object-Oriented
Designs to Ada
Alfred Strohmeier
Efficient and Extensible
Multithreaded Remote Servers
Ricardo Jiménez-Peris,
M. Patiño-Martínez, F. J. Ballesteros, and S. Arévalo
Testing (15:30-16:30h)
Report on the VERA Experiment
Bruno Hémeury
Acceptance Testing of
Object Oriented Systems
Jose L. Fernández
Formal Methods I (15:30-16:30h)
Environment for the
Development and Specification of Real-Time Ada Programs
Apolinar González,
and Alfons Crespo
Interprocedural Symbolic
Evaluation of Ada Programs with Aliases
J. Blieberger, B. Burgstaller,
and B. Scholz
Education (17-18h)
Railway Scale Model
Pierre Breguet, and
Luigi Zaffalon
Ada 95 as a Foundation
Language in Computer Engineering Education in Ukraine
Alexandr Korochkin
Distributed Systems
I (17-18h)
yaRTI, an Ada 95 HLA
Run-Time Infrastructure
Dominique Canazzi
An Ada95 Implementation
of a Network Coordination Language with Code Mobility
Emilio Tuosto
Wednesday 9th
High Integrity Systems
Re-Engineering a Safety-Critical
Application Using SPARK 95 and GNORT
Roderick Chapman and
Robert Dewar
An Ada95 Solution for
Certification of Embedded Safety Critical Applications
Jacob Frost
Real-Time Scheduling
and Kernels (12-13:30h)
The Ceiling Protocol
in Multi-Moded Real-Time Systems
Jorge Real, and Andy
A “Bare-Machine” Implementation
of Ada Multi-Tasking Beneath the Linux Kernel
Hongfeng Shen, Arnaud
Charlet, and T.P. Baker
Implementing a New Low-Level
Tasking Support for the GNAT Runtime System
José F. Ruiz,
and Jesús M. González-Barahona
Tools (15:30-17h)
MetaScribe, an Ada-based
Tool for the Construction of Transformation Engines
Fabrice Kordon
An Adaptation of our
Ada95/O2 Binding to Provide Persistence to the Java Language: Sharing And
Handling of Data between Heterogeneous Applications using Persistence
Thierry Millan, Myriam
Lamolle, and Frédéric Mulatero
Browsing a Component
Library Using Non-Functional Information
Xavier Franch, Josep
Pinyol, and Joan Vancells
The Role of Ada in Hardware/Software
Codesign (15:30-17h)
HW/SW Co-design of Embedded
William Fornaciari,
and Donatella Sciuto
Hardware/Software Embedded
System Specification and Design using Ada and VHDL
Adrian López,
Maite Veiga, and Eugenio Villar
System on Chip Specification
and Design Languages Standardization
Jean Mermet
Formal Methods II (17:30-18:30h)
Automatic Verification
of Concurrent Ada Programs
Eric Bruneton, and Jean-François
Translating Time Petri
Net Structures into Ada 95 Statements
F.J. García,
and J.L. Villarroel
Thursday 10th
Distributed Systems
II (10-11h)
CORBA & DSA: Divorce
or Marriage?
Laurent Pautet, Thomas
Quinot, and Samuel Tardieu
How to Modify the GNAT
Frontend to Experiment with Ada Extensions
J.Miranda, F.Guerra,
J.Martín, and A.González
Fault Tolerance (12-13:30h)
An Incremental Recovery
Cache Supporting Software Fault Tolerance
P. Rogers, and A.J.
Shared Recoverable Objects
Jörg Kienzle, and
Alfred Strohmeier
Fault Tolerance by Transparent
Replication for Distributed Ada 95
Thomas Wolf, and Alfred
Distributed Systems
III (15:30-17h)
On the Use of Controlled
Types for Fossil Collection in a Distributed Simulation System
Helge Hagenauer
An Application (Layer
7) Routing Switch with Ada95 Software
Mike Kamrad
Ada Binding to a Shared
Object Layer
Johann Blieberger, Johann
Klasek, and Eva Kühn
Case Studies (15:30-17h)
A Case Study in the
Reuse of On-board Embedded Real-Time Software
Tullio Vardanega, Gert
Caspersen, and Jan Storbank Pedersen
Development of Flight
Control Software in Ada: Architecture and Design Issues and Approaches
Alfred Rosskopf
Core Application Software
for the Columbus Orbital Facility Development and Testing
M.G. Conti, and Nico