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Ada-Europe'96 Conference

Workshop on Design and Coding Guidelines for Ada 95

Call for Participation


The objective of the workshop is for the participants to present and discuss guidelines for the use of Ada features, and preferably Ada 95 features.

Requirements for Participation

Attendance to the workshop is by invitation only. The selection of participants will be based on the submission by candidates of 2 proposed guidelines, presented according to the following template:


(what is the issue, the topic)


(State concisely what the programmer shall do, or not do.)


(give an example of what to do)


(explain why this is a good guidelines, what quality of software it supports)


(explain any circumstance where the guideline would not apply)


(discuss alternative, give references, point to ramifications, pay tribute to other people, indicate if and how the guideline can be automatically checked)

A critique or further discussion or refinement of a previously published guideline is acceptable. Submit electronically by email (plain Ascii) to and indicate a return email address, so that guidelines can be circulated prior to the workshop to all participants.

Workshop Organizers

Moderator: Philippe Kruchten, Rational Software,

Your comments/suggestions to the maintainer.