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Ada-Europe'96 Conference

Invited Speeches

Invited speakers will discuss the state of the art and what the future will offer in the area of reliable software development for real-time systems, distributed systems, and Internet applications.

Those selected presentations will feature the four following talks.

Invited Speeches at a Glance

To be completed
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
Norman F. Schneidewind
Risk and Reliability Analysis for Safety Critical Software
André Schiper
Fault-Tolerance by Replication in Distributed Systems
Alan Burns
Ada 95: An Effective Concurrent Programming Language

Evening S. Tucker Taft
Programming the Internet in Ada 95

Short Announcements

Programming the Internet in Ada 95 ( Monday 10 June, 18:15 - 19:15 )
S. Tucker Taft, Intermetrics chief scientist and lead designer of Ada 95
The Internet and the World Wide Web is considered as one of the nineties' major shift in the computer industry. S. Tucker Taft will present Sun's Java programming language and discuss how the full power of Ada 95 can benefit the Internet by programming Java(tm)-compatible programs in Ada 95 and assuring efficient and secure transmission over the Internet.

Risk and Reliability Analysis for Safety Critical Software ( Tuesday 11 June, 8:30 - 9:30 )
Norman F. Schneidewind,Professor of Information Sciences, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey
It is feasible to predict the software reliability and increase management's confidence in the reliability of safety critical software such as the NASA Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System. These objective were achieved with our novel approach of integrating software safety criteria, risk analysis, reliability prediction, and a stopping rule for testing. This approach is applicable to other safety critical software. We encourage practitioners to apply this approach.

Fault-Tolerance by Replication in Distributed Systems ( Wednesday 12 June, 8:30 - 9:30 )
André Schiper, Professor of Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Reliable software technology considers it unacceptable when services become unavailable because of failures. A. Schiper's talk will concentrate on the techniques that have been developed to implement software-based replicated services.

Ada 95: An Effective Concurrent Programming Language ( Thursday 13 June, 8:30 - 9:30 )
Alan Burns, Professor of Real-Time Systems in the Department of Computer Science, University of York, U.K.
Through a discussion of three case studies, this presentation shows how the language abstractions supported by Ada can be combined to build effective higher-level abstractions. The three examples concern a concurrency problem, a fault tolerance requirement and a scheduling issue.

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